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Extremely thin Moon 2024, May 09 by Roger Hyman. The look 1

Author: Roger Hyman
Date: 2024, May 09
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10225704565181766&set=a.10206119924657993

Description: "Thursday's 3.7% Moon. Quite a few craters on view even at this thin phase. ZWO FF130 APO and Player One Saturn C. Processed in Autostakkert 4.0.11 (Best 30% from 2,000 frames) and then with IMPPG and Photoshop."

Music by Andrey Klimkovsky https://klimkovsky.ru
Track «Touching the unknown» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ozdAG-iccY&t=3660s
NEANE Records: https://neane.ru/rus/4/katalog/2605.htm
Bamdcamp: https://klimkovsky.bandcamp.com/album/stellar-meditations-i

Video editing by pictuREflection


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